The rate of aging and external state of our body fully depends on the quality of our internal processes, the main role in which are redox processes, blood-forming system (number of stem cells) ang genetic mechanisms of self-healing. The better bodys self-renewal capacity and the ability to regenerate, the better it copes with threats that disturb the balance, the longer it remains healthier and keeps youth longer. Bad ecology, bad eating and living habits, sedentary lifestyle as a result leads to premature aging and developing in early years fatal diseases that used to occur around age 50-60.
The topic of rejuvenation, maintaining youth, and extension of active longevity is actively discussed in scientific articles. But until now there isn't a single effective instrument which could really slow the aging process nor renew the youth.
Synthesit is a unique mineral that has a complex effect on all body systems.
Synthesit effect on stem cells.
Synthesit has a powerful effect on life basis, it restores the number of stem cells. As we get older there are less number of stem cells which can produce new blood cells. In 2019 in the facility of Federal Research Institute of Medical Primatology a scientific discovery was made, mice which received Synthesit during only one month showed a phenomenal recovery of the hematopoietic system. In the experimental group of mice was revealed an increase of stem cells by 2,45 times. Today we can observe the same result in people — blood parameters move to a young age norm, immunity improves and the ability to regenerate organs and tissue is accelerating.
Synthesit effect on biochemical indicators of aging.
Synthesit has a phenomenal effect on lowering such indicators as ALT, AST, Cholesterol and sugar level in blood. This data has also been scientifically proven. In 2020-2021 were received credible evidence in several scientific experiments on higher primates in “In vitro''. Everyday we receive lots of feedback about the health benefits that Synthesit customers experience. Before Synthesit appearance, there were no safe products that would be as successful in rejuvenation biochemical parameters.
Synthesit effect on blood.
Synthesit restores blood fluidity and helps to increase blood oxygen level. This powerful and complex effect of Synthesit allows to eliminate hypoxia, restore blood supply to the heart, brain, muscles, skin and other organs in our body. This unique mineral helps to slow down aging process in the human body.
The effect of Synthesit on youth gene KLOTHO and on oxidative stress markers.
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) and Xanthine oxidase (XO) are the main indicators of oxidative processes that reduce their activity due to action of Synthesit. The reduction of the activity occurs up to two times, which is a phenomenal result. In the same experement was also proven that Synthesit stimulates the expression of KLOTHO gene, that is also known as youth gene.
Invention of Synthesit is truly scientific discovery of 2019
Synthesit has no analogues both in terms of safety or beneficial effect on any living organism.
You can feel the effect of Synthesit on the first day of use and the more you take it the more it helps to improve health and prolong active longevity. Proper oxygen level and healthy blood circulation optimizes and promotes excellent transportation of oxygen and essential nutrients throughout the body as well as to all body tissues and cells, including skin, nails and hair and helps to restore their structure. As a result, hair and nails begin to grow faster, their structure is gradually restored. Improves wellbeing and mood, increases physical and mental activity.
Synthesit is a unique supplement with scientifically proven active biological properties.
Thousands of people from all over the world keep sharing their results regarding the powerful action and health benefits they have when taking the bioactive Synthesit mineral. Hundreds of customers have shared their reviews and testimonials which are an invaluable storehouse of information about the properties of Synthesit, how it helps restore health and vitality.