Olga Oynotkinova, Evgeny Nikonov, Alexandr Pavlov, Olga Maslennikova, Priyanka Chowdhury, Andrei Ershov. Comprehensive approach to correcting anemia and mitochondrial disorders with iron citrate complex "Synthesit" during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer and lymphoproliferative diseases. Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology. 2024;13(1):21-31.
Iron is part of the proteins — hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin helps the red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues and organs. Myoglobin helps store reserve oxygen in the muscles. Iron is found in a number of enzymes — compounds involved in metabolism.
Although iron is extremely important for biochemical processes, the human body does not produce it — it only gets it from outside with food. It is generally accepted that the body requires at least 1 mg of iron per day for normal functioning. This is the minimum.
But the mechanism of iron absorption by the body remains in question. It is not clear — what iron is absorbed and why it works? Attempts to give iron in the form of capsules, tablets and even in injections are not very productive. More often we can see recommendations to take it in capsules and tablets at a concentration of 15-30 mg. But this, most often, does not give a significant result, although in capsules the dosage reaches 50-100 mg and even more.
According to WHO statistics, 25% of people have iron deficiency in the body.
If iron tablets had any effect, there would be no such problem in the world. There would not be such problems as anemia, weakness, fatigue, susceptibility to diseases, colds and so on accompanying iron deficiency. The aging of the body would be much slower.
Many people worldwide with iron deficiency were taking capsules and iron tablets, injections to increase iron levels. Often the result was either nonexistent or not significant. And there were no ways to correct this situation. In rare cases, the most advanced doctors would recommend to their patients to eat black caviar, drink expensive aged red wine, and go to resorts. Overall, this could also not yield significant results.
The patients who have been taking Synthesit since 2019 note it helps them maintain normal blood pressure, and in some cases, reduce the dose or completely withdraw from conventional hypotensive drugs. All the changes in medication regimen were under the supervision of attending physicians. This is related to the key features of high blood pressure such as damaged arteries and the restriction of blood flow to the heart and other organs and tissues of the body.
Consumers of Synthesit immediately began to note in their letters and feedback that after taking it, they felt an increase in energy, activity, good sleep. Their resistance to colds increased, some chronic pains started to disappear. The quality of skin, nails, and hair improved. And, importantly, a sense of confidence and tranquility emerged. This is a medical fact.
Synthesit is a phenomenal product. It is based on iron, obtained through a highly innovative technology, which is the exclusive know-how of the developer. This is a real breakthrough in the field of health. Taking Synthesit is accompanied by an improvement in blood condition, restoration of the necessary iron and ferritin levels in the body. Most importantly, Synthesit iron works, and it works very powerfully.
There are thousands of feedback and video interviews proving how Synthesit has helped overcome various health problems. When Synthesit was called upon for help, it contributed to improvement.
Several scientific studies have already been conducted, including international ones, with publications in leading scientific journals, including Swiss and Japanese publications. Each of these studies highlights the powerful effect of Synthesit on the body, including the most incredible facts.
We are confident that as the public becomes more acquainted with it, the demand for Synthesit will continue to grow.
It is important to remember one more small truth — doctors who recommend a particular product to their patients do not always keep up with global inventions. Your life is happening here and now. You are aging here and now. Your health is needed here and now. The choice is up to you.
Athletes are already taking Synthesit. Those who want to remain energetic and active. Those who want to be beautiful and youthful. The choice is up to you.