Olga Oynotkinova, Evgeny Nikonov, Alexandr Pavlov, Olga Maslennikova, Priyanka Chowdhury, Andrei Ershov. Comprehensive approach to correcting anemia and mitochondrial disorders with iron citrate complex "Synthesit" during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer and lymphoproliferative diseases. Russian Journal of Evidence-Based Gastroenterology. 2024;13(1):21-31.
We often receive emails from our customers sharing their results of overall health improvement. In most cases these results seem to be of different spheres of human health. Here is our customer Vladimir’s feedback as an example. He says about digestion, flexibility, breathing, sense of smell, endurance, tranquility and sleep. Some people may not see the connection between all these things and how digestive tract, sleep, stamina and nasal respiration may be related. However, for those people who are aware that when it comes to the body, it’s all connected, these facts arouse interest and desire to puzzle it out and find out “why”.
Let’s pay closer attention to each aspect mentioned by our customer:
Normalized sleep patterns. Synthesit contributes to the restoration of biochemical blood parameters and biological rhythms accordingly, because biorhythms are involved in hormone secretion which in its turn depends on body biochemistry.
Reduced sleep duration. Synthesit promotes stem cell proliferation, that means new cells are formed faster so they can replace worn-out cells. Immune cells are able to fight off infections more quickly, and etc. It’s all due to the normalization of biochemical metabolism and the body requires less time for its recovery during a night than it used to need before.
Absorption of oxygen. Synthesit has a blood thinning effect and it helps to supply blood with oxygen to the highest level.
More acute sense of smell. We suppose that the “unblocking” of capillaries in epithelium of nasal passages and better blood flow in receptors, and oxygen supply accordingly, promote activation of “sleeping” receptors which were poorly supplied with blood.
Endurance and flexibility. We have collected quite a lot of material regarding the effect of gaining “endurance”. As for the flexibility we don’t have much to add and this topic requires a more detailed overview.
Normalized digestion. Let’s get back to the blood thinning effect, better oxygen supply, normalization of body’s biochemistry and new stem cell production. Furthermore, recent studies have proven that gut plays a role as a stem cell buffer as well.
Better clarity, perception and consciousness. It brings us to the blood thinning effect and better oxygen supply once again. Brain getting enough nutrients works more properly in comparison when its cells are in constant need of these nutrients and oxygen.
Thus, the most important thing is that Synthesit helps transport oxygen to the exact parts in the body which used to be poorly supplied or not supplied at all. Then it’s time for new stem cells and normalized body’s biochemistry to play their part , and the combination of all these processes has such a positive and wide-ranging effect.
The patients who have been taking Synthesit since 2019 note it helps them maintain normal blood pressure, and in some cases, reduce the dose or completely withdraw from conventional hypotensive drugs. All the changes in medication regimen were under the supervision of attending physicians. This is related to the key features of high blood pressure such as damaged arteries and the restriction of blood flow to the heart and other organs and tissues of the body.